Collard Greens
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Collard Greens: This traditionally southern leafy vegetable is both heat-tolerant and drought-tolerant. Considered a superfood by many sources for its high levels of essential vitamins, trace minerals, dietary fiber, and various antioxidants, collard greens are reputable for their liver-cleansing and detoxifying properties. Believe it or not, collards are said to revitalize and calm sore muscles– what a crop! Most people cook their collards, as raw collards can have a slightly bitter flavor, although not quite as much as does most kale. Heat mellows the flavor and softens the texture, bringing out the sweet, earthy flavor that makes them so great in southern cooking circles. My favorite way to prep these collard greens is by sautéing them in melted butter with a bunch of sweet onions and a handful of crispy fried taters. Crack a few eggs in the pan, and you’ve got quite a treat! I’m selling these greens at 6-8 to a bunch for $3.00.